Ahad 24 Dec 2023 20:47 WIB

Preserving Religious Moderation in Madura

Religious moderation strengthens people to love the Motherland.

Rep: Muhyiddin/ Red: Erdy Nasrul
Seminar on religious moderation.
Foto: Dok Republika
Seminar on religious moderation.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- The issue of conflict between Shia-Sunnis in Sampang Regency has become a bad note in the harmony of religious people on Madura Island. In order for such conflicts not to occur again, the campus must be involved to maintain the values of religious moderation.

One of the Islamic campuses in Madura, the Annuqayah Institute of Islamic Sciences (INSTIKA) Sumenep has made a strategic effort to maintain religious moderation in Madura. Among other things, INSTIKA directs its students to spread the values of moderation when conducting Real Work Lectures (KKN).

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One of the INSTIKA lecturers, Abd Warits, said that in fact in Sumenep itself there has never been a religious conflict like in Sampang. Because, according to him, Kiai Kampung's relationship with the administrators of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is still well established.

“Well, we ourselves have a KKN program to maintain religious moderation. Our KKN from the beginning was indeed directed. Although we do not talk specifically about moderation, we really teach the character of the boarding school,” Warits said when he met after presenting the results of his research at the Asian African and Latin American Religious Moderation Conference in Bandung, Thursday (21/12/2023).

In the boarding school world, according to him, religious moderation is already an inherent character in boarding schools. In boarding schools there has been emphasized attitudes of mutual respect and tolerance among different religious groups.

“Well we teach that. And indeed, I really want to be careful when plunging into society. That's a perhaps more tangible effort to provide mentoring whose physical is moderation,” Warits said.

During the Asian, African and Latin American Religious Moderation Conference, Warits also presented the results of his research entitled “Fighting The Islamic Radicalism Movement In Sumenep: Study Of Existence “Kiai Kampung” On Managing Mosque Religious Activities to Fight Radical Islamic Infiltration”.

In this research, Warits highlighted the role of Kiai Kampung to fortify mosques from the understanding of radicalism, especially in the Sumenep area. According to him, INSTIKA also strives to provide insight to the villagers about the interests of radical propagators.

“Kiai Kampung as the lead actor. So those who then came face to face with the one who tried to occupy the mosque. Well, let us understand that those who come up with the issue of diversity are not all purely religious interests,” Warits explained.

Meanwhile, the Congress of Asian, African and Latin American Religious Moderations and Head of Jakarta Religious Research Hall (BLAJ), Samidi advised INSTIKA to not only maintain the values of moderation in Madura, but also to keep Generation Z from radical teachings.

“To participate, there must be preventive efforts from the campus. Because now the radicalism movement is indeed more leading to Gen Z who are still searching for self-identity,” Warits said.

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